Location : Capital Road, Sialkot Pakistan
Add. PO Box 1910, Sialkot Pakistan
T. +92 (52) 426 1828 / 427 3507
F. +92 (52) 429 1507 / 427 3646
@. info@orrangewears.com




I am pleased to introduce ORRANGE WEARS and the outstanding management who comprise it.. Over the years, we have developed sophisticated  Marketing, Production, and management systems that allow us to concentrate on areas of significant potential and quickly adapt to changing conditions and opportunities.

Our formula for success is simple: we strive to attract to our company the most capable people possible, we feel that our work environment optimizes their creativity and ingenuity, and the company then provides the necessary financial and technical resources to maximize results.

The company's primary focus is on Motorbike Garments. We enjoy a tradition and heritage of successfully challenging conventional wisdom and exploring for Garments where others have not ventured. waters.

We believe that for a company to succeed it must differentiate itself from its competition, and in many respects our company is very unique.

and ethical behavior.

I think that you will find a relationship with ORRANGE WEARS to be extremely rewarding.

We would welcome the opportunity to visit with companies and / or individuals interested in establishing mutually rewarding business activities


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